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Holy Johnny's (WARNING: contains religious references) confession booth!

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"let he without sin cast the first lollipop" aye father, after all you are as human as the rest of us mortals, and MM is a lot to live up to but we must all strive for the perfection of our Lord. Praise be to MIKA amen.




then I'm not allowed to throw lollipops...:blink:


ohw well... *puts one in her mouth and sucks on it*


Mmmmmm.... much better!!:thumb_yello:

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Forgive me father for I have sinned.


This is my fist time in the confession booth. That could count as a sin in itself.

Sasje brought me here when she found out about my biggest sin, she told me I needed to confess so here I am, I lay my soul bare for you to save me.

My confession is.. I worship another man. Someone that is not the big M.

My fate lies in your hands father.

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Forgive me father for I have sinned.


This is my fist time in the confession booth. That could count as a sin in itself.

Sasje brought me here when she found out about my biggest sin, she told me I needed to confess so here I am, I lay my soul bare for you to save me.

My confession is.. I worship another man. Someone that is not the big M.

My fate lies in your hands father.


Looking at your avatar Diana, may I hazard a guess at the other man being David Bowie? If so, then yes David is a God in his own right. How do you measure your adoration for the other one to the big M. Do you worship equally or does the other man take priority over our lord?:naughty:

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Father, I have to go now and leave our temple of worship, it pains me to leave this warm and welcoming place of MM worship, but alas I know we have to suffer a little to feel the rainbow, after all the true enlightenment I know, does not involve much suffering in the joyous land of Mikadom where our lord reins supreme, his is a land of cotton candy, lollipops, many mountains of favourite toys and joyous outbursts of "Love Today" on a daily basis. He truly IS a king.


Good night father.

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Father, I have to go now and leave our temple of worship, it pains me to leave this warm and welcoming place of MM worship, but alas I know we have to suffer a little to feel the rainbow, after all the true enlightenment I know, does not involve much suffering in the joyous land of Mikadom where our lord reins supreme, his is a land of cotton candy, lollipops, many mountains of favourite toys and joyous outbursts of "Love Today" on a daily basis. He truly IS a king.


Good night father.


Goodnight Mother Sparkly ;) Sweet Mika dreams

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Oh one last thing father, I have in honour of our Lord MM have made his praying image as my screen desktop background to instil further his goodness into my eagerly awaiting soul. :angel_not: This image of our Lord should help banish any impure thoughts I may suddenly get about him...(I hope).

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Looking at your avatar Diana, may I hazard a guess at the other man being David Bowie? If so, then yes David is a God in his own right. How do you measure your adoration for the other one to the big M. Do you worship equally or does the other man take priority over our lord?:naughty:


I'm afraid it isn't Mister Bowie either.. It's more shameful than that. So shameful in fact I dare not mention his name.

At the moment the worship is not equal. The big M is losing. Father tell me what to do!?

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I'm afraid it isn't Mister Bowie either.. It's more shameful than that. So shameful in fact I dare not mention his name.

At the moment the worship is not equal. The big M is losing. Father tell me what to do!?


The Big M is LOSING?! So shameful you dare not mention his name? In this case I feel there is only one course of action. You must not have any thing else to do with this imposter for at least a week. Use that time to envelope yourself with our lord, after this time you may see things in a different light. Please report back and let me know your progress. Together we can get through these dark times.:wink2:

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The Big M is LOSING?! So shameful you dare not mention his name? In this case I feel there is only one course of action. You must not have any thing else to do with this imposter for at least a week. Use that time to envelope yourself with our lord, after this time you may see things in a different light. Please report back and let me know your progress. Together we can get through these dark times.:wink2:


Thank you oh Holy one!

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oh holy father, maybe you need to open a MIKARY where the laay-dies can prove their devotion to the big M and become Sisters in order to serve our Mighty one to their best ability. Maybe even having one Mother to keep them under control...I mean to "guide" them. :wink2:


I may even come to Somerset House in my Mika robes with the sign of the flashing heart around my neck to prove my love for our rainbow lord, that is if the father will allow me out of the Mikary for the day?

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hey i have some things for the book johnny!!


1. we must sing dance and be merry when listening to mika!!!

2. we must remain as crazy as possible any time during the day!!!

3. we must become hyper active when coming onto his fan site and website!!!


lol if i think of any more you'll be the first to know!!!

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Father!! You never guess what I found!! :shocked:


I found Mikas ten commendments!!!




And Mika spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD


ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'


TWO: 'You shall make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of me


THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD Mika in vain.'


FOUR: 'Remember August 18th, to keep it holy.'


FIVE: 'Convince your father and your mother to listen to My music'


SIX: 'You shall not murder, sing My songs instead'


SEVEN: 'You shall keep your Tamagochi alive'


EIGHT: 'You shall not steal lyrics'


NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor about anything that involves Me'


TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's album of LICM, buy your own

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lol sasje i wet my self reading that it's histerical!!!!!

i'll print that out and keep it with me at ALL times!!!! lol!


Actual... it are the usual ones... I only.. eh.. corrected them...:blush-anim-cl::naughty: :naughty:

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well only someone that clever could do that!! *pats on back* clever you!!!!


:blush-anim-cl: :blush-anim-cl: :blush-anim-cl:






Oohw.. and next time.... don't hit so hard!!!!:sneaky2::roftl: :roftl:

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oh sorry bout that! so are there anymore that he may have actually said then??!!!:naughty:


I'm sure..:naughty:


But I will have to find it first!!:bleh:


(I know them all in Dutch... maybe our dear Father can use his translator again??:wink2: )

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I'm sure..:naughty:


But I will have to find it first!!:bleh:


(I know them all in Dutch... maybe our dear Father can use his translator again??:wink2: )


lol! maybe, just maybe that could work!!!!!

i think our mika should pay for us all to go to a place where ALL the members of his beloved fan club could go so that we could praise him and he can preach to us of his wonderful songs and how he wants us to join him in siging and dancing...

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lol! maybe, just maybe that could work!!!!!

i think our mika should pay for us all to go to a place where ALL the members of his beloved fan club could go so that we could praise him and he can preach to us of his wonderful songs and how he wants us to join him in siging and dancing...


Yeah... I like that idea...:shocked:


Hmmm... maybe I can find something about that too....:naughty: :naughty:

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Yeah... I like that idea...:shocked:


Hmmm... maybe I can find something about that too....:naughty: :naughty:


lol, you get the feeling that this is going to spiral out of control in a good way?! but seriously he should do that as a kind of thanks for all your support...

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lol, you get the feeling that this is going to spiral out of control in a good way?! but seriously he should do that as a kind of thanks for all your support...


Hmmm.. I can't think of a passage about something like that...:sneaky2:


I'll try to find something else...:wink2:

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