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Holy Johnny's (WARNING: contains religious references) confession booth!

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I would just like to say (stating the obvious, really) that this thread is

absolutely hysterical! I've been reading along and I admit that I'm addicted.


But I have no confessions to make... yet.


However, I will be seeing Mika in 11 days 9 hours and 8 minutes (give or take)

so maybe after that... :naughty:



If you happen to have our holy one speaketh to you in person, (an honour bestowed upon you indeed) then sendeth him the love from our holy temple of Mikaizm and let him know he is welcome to come and give a sermon here anytime he wishes, in fact it would be an honour for us to have him show us a sign that he is indeed still with us.

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Father I have been once again on my missionary work at Argos today, spreading the word of "Love Today" with the masses, for I know that when I hum it on collection point C that they will once day remember the calling and will go out and subscribe to LiCM to read the passages of phsongs


I also broadcast the joyous words of our lord in a mobile situation with the windows wound down and the volume on nearly full all the way home. I did observe that this was observed by the unenlightened ones and they gave me either a look of distain (but I forgave them as they know not what they do) or one of bewilderment, if only I wasn't going 70mpph down the A19 at the time I may have been able to welcome them into our flock as I could see they were on the brink of hearing the calling.


Forgive me father for not being able to enlighten them properly at this time.


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Oh well. Not to worry. The flocks will return, they always do.:naughty:

I see a connection between returning flocks and the Big M's stay Down Under...


It is called the Boomerang Effect. :biggrin2:

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If you happen to have our holy one speaketh to you in person, (an honour bestowed upon you indeed) then sendeth him the love from our holy temple of Mikaizm and let him know he is welcome to come and give a sermon here anytime he wishes, in fact it would be an honour for us to have him show us a sign that he is indeed still with us.


If it should come to pass that I do speaketh to him, or him to me,

I will indeed sendeth (sendeth?) him love... and that may well be the source of

my need for subsequent confession! IYKWIM.:blush-anim-cl:


However, I will be a humble vessel and carry forth the word as you have




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I've got a confession to make (again) ...


I desecrated our Dear Lords message by spelling the words of his hallowed sermon in the wrong way. I fear that it is even worse, because it was not ANY sermon but the one and only Parable of Grace Kelly. I made the terrible mistake to confound the repeated ...mad mad mad disdainfully by 'bah, bah, bah' Will I braise in hell for that? :shocked:

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If it should come to pass that I do speaketh to him, or him to me,

I will indeed sendeth (sendeth?) him love... and that may well be the source of

my need for subsequent confession! IYKWIM.:blush-anim-cl:


However, I will be a humble vessel and carry forth the word as you have





Thank you my child, you have our blessing to throw yourself at his feet in total awe at the beauty of his soul.

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I've got a confession to make (again) ...


I desecrated our Dear Lords message by spelling the words of his hallowed sermon in the wrong way. I fear that it is even worse, because it was not ANY sermon but the one and only Parable of Grace Kelly. I made the terrible mistake to confound the repeated ...mad mad mad disdainfully by 'bah, bah, bah' Will I braise in hell for that? :shocked:


Please dear child...elaborate on your intentions behind this unusual behaviour.

*stern looks meant to instil a sense of mild fear, in your general direction*

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i have a confession to make


i have been on here all evening when i should have been studying for my science exam...




:shocked: You had better get off NOW. Your exams are very important as we need educated people to do missionary work in such remote places as Milton Keynes and Barking. I would ask for some Hail Mikas but instead I say to you REVISE, REVISE, REVISE.:naughty:

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Haha this is a funny, smart thread :biggrin2:

too bad i have nothing to confess!


Rubbish, I bet you threw away your pet stick insects when you were younger, thinking they were all dead when really they had only shed their skins:roftl:


Oh, that was me:naughty:

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Father I have been once again on my missionary work at Argos today, spreading the word of "Love Today" with the masses, for I know that when I hum it on collection point C that they will once day remember the calling and will go out and subscribe to LiCM to read the passages of phsongs


I also broadcast the joyous words of our lord in a mobile situation with the windows wound down and the volume on nearly full all the way home. I did observe that this was observed by the unenlightened ones and they gave me either a look of distain (but I forgave them as they know not what they do) or one of bewilderment, if only I wasn't going 70mpph down the A19 at the time I may have been able to welcome them into our flock as I could see they were on the brink of hearing the calling.


Forgive me father for not being able to enlighten them properly at this time.



I suggest cruising while doing this next time. Also point at people and winking when you hear "Everybody's gonna Love today" This kind of subliminal messaging gets the point across well, it also makes you look cool:naughty:

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I've got a confession to make (again) ...


I desecrated our Dear Lords message by spelling the words of his hallowed sermon in the wrong way. I fear that it is even worse, because it was not ANY sermon but the one and only Parable of Grace Kelly. I made the terrible mistake to confound the repeated ...mad mad mad disdainfully by 'bah, bah, bah' Will I braise in hell for that? :shocked:


Well as long as you didn't follow it up with "Black sheep, have you any wool?" then its not too bad.:roftl:

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Father, the adoration of the great M comes easily to me, I have decided to make a pilgrimage in November and December. I only worry that I may have overdone it somewhat.

I am now going for a lie down in a darkened room.

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actually my child that is of the "old" testament, the new one is:

"The BooK of Luurrve"


Hehe, sorry, just had to laugh... Because the word 'lurven' has a funny meaning in Dutch (it's a name for parts of the body that don't even exist: 'take him by his lurven' so to say). :biggrin2:

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:shocked: You had better get off NOW. Your exams are very important as we need educated people to do missionary work in such remote places as Milton Keynes and Barking. I would ask for some Hail Mikas but instead I say to you REVISE, REVISE, REVISE.:naughty:

I must confess that even I (as a Dutchie) know about the existence of those remote places... :blush-anim-cl:

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