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Ultimate Big Girl Drink FanThread - Diet Coke!!! NOTE: Don't have to be a Big Girl!


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*Welcomes all the new comers to the Diet coke thread*


Dances around a bit in her big girl bar maid costume and serveseveryone some diet coke* :cool:

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yayyy i'm home from work. hi ya'll. i'm drinking a diet coke for real right now and it is dee-lish. i told everrrrrrrrybody at work about the mika with no shirt video and they all think i'm pathetic! yay! i'm exciteddddddd


LOL your sounding as mad as me when i am at work all i talk about is Mika.....they dont listen to me anymore ....which means i talk to myself :boxed:


ohhh well


*sips at her diet coke*

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Now i just need to sneek a laptop into work :roftl:


Noo actually i wish there really was a bar maid job in a diet coke bar where i got to dress up as Big girl and talk about Mika everyday!!!






would be a perfect job :wub2:

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if there was, i would be there already. could i be your assistaint? i do a mean malabu and coke!


Yesss i need some helpers in here :thumb_yello:


there is a selection of colours to choose from in big girl costumes :wink2:

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yes there are a few that need joining ....


all i remember though is Julie o hhh and 1kiwiabroad :boxed:


*sorry my memory is soo bad * :thumbdown:


Ohhh i'll have to check tomorrow! Nighty night girls i'm going to bed! I can't believe i'm going to bed at this time on a Saturday! Well it's sunday morning now lol! :biggrin2:

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Ohhh i'll have to check tomorrow! Nighty night girls i'm going to bed! I can't believe i'm going to bed at this time on a Saturday! Well it's sunday morning now lol! :biggrin2:


If I buy you a Diet Coke, any way you want, will you add me to the list please? :wub2:

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Well, I slept a few hours and I feel better now.


I was wondering... Is the Lemon version sold in your countries too and if yes, what do you think of it?




In Holland 'Diet' is called 'Light'. So that is why me & bf started to call regular Coke 'Heavy Coke'. :bleh:

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